

The specialized stroboscope.

The stroboscope is realized on the basis of microprocessor PIC16F628, allows to measure frequency of fluctuations of various mechanical devices, and also visually to observe occuring in them processes in any phase, and at any moment, quickly and effectively allows to supervise quality flexo seales allowing to see moving object motionless. It is used at quality surveillance of prints by rotational printed machines. And as measurements of revolutions of any rotating elements (shaft, шестерня, fans etc.). Also has the following parameter

1.Pressure(voltage) of a feed(meal) 220v

2.Digital indication (frequency, duration of a delay, factor of division of external clock pulses)

3.Mode of own generation of flashes (1Gz-1000Gz) tвсп < 10mks

4.Mode of operation from external clock pulses (from the gauge) 0Gz-1000Gz with an opportunity of adjustment of time of a delay of flash from clock pulse (0мс-1000мс)

4.The counter of division of quantity(amount) of external clock pulses 1-256 pulse (For synchronization with зубьями шестерни conducting shaft and also increase of service life of a lamp of flash)

5.Capacity of a lamp of a luminescence from 300 W-1500 W (service life of a lamp of flash in a mode 10 Gz - 1 year)

6.Convenient management with the help 6 keys




Moscow, 4-y Siromyatnichesky pereulok, 1. Telefon:916-16-38

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